Course overview

CSE 16: Applied Discrete Mathematics

Instructor: Owen Arden

UC Santa Cruz

Winter 2023

The search for truth

How do we know when something is true?

  • We are convinced by a persuasive argument!
  • What is the basis of persuasion?
    • Trust in the source
    • Consensus of peers
    • Sound reasoning based on facts we already know to be true

The truth behind the calculations

  • Mathematics is about more than computation.
  • This course is an intro to the theoretical side of math
  • How mathematicians anyone can
    • verify theorems
    • create new mathematical theories

Course topics

  1. Logic
  2. Proofs
  3. Sets
  4. Functions
  5. Induction and Recursion
  6. Counting
  7. Relations


  • The primary textbook will be the online Discrete Mathematics ZyBook.
    • Subscribe by going to the first assignment and following the instructions.
  • Book of Proof, Richard Hammack, Third Edition. 2018. Available online for free.
    • Good auxilliary material. Some homework assignments may come from here.

Course structure

  • Online interactive ZyBook textbook
  • ZyBook reading assignments
  • Read assigned sections and complete participation activities
  • Due before each lecture
  • Weekly-ish quizzes in discussion sections
    • Starting next week

Course structure (cont’d)

  • Homeworks (8)
    • Some online through ZyBooks
    • Some on paper (turn in to Gradescope as pdf)
  • Exams (3)
    • 2 Midterms, 1 Final
    • During class time
      (or assigned final exam slot)


Coursework Weight         Method
ZyBook readings (~20+) 5% Average
Homework (8) 35% Median
Quizzes (~8) 20% Median
Exam (3) 40% Max of median or final

  • Late homework is subject to a 20% late penalty for each day late, up to a maximum of three.
  • Why median? Missing or bombing a couple of homeworks or quizzes—or an exam–will not clobber your grade. However, there will be no make-up quizzes or exams, so only skip something if it cannot be avoided.

Resources and support

  • Check this calendar often: it will be updated when sessions are cancelled or added.

Info Channels

  • Use Ed Discussion for Q&A (monitored by staff)
    • Try not to email staff directly. Better to create a “Private thread” (visible to staff only). Due to a large volume of email, emailing Prof. Arden directly will likely result in a delayed response. A private thread ensures that your question or issue can be responded to quickly.
    • If you feel like a publicly posted question has been overlooked, create a private thread to politely bring it to the attention of staff.
  • Use Discord for interactive discussions (and memeing)
    • It’s fine to ask questions here, but it may not be as actively monitored. Course staff may monitor during slow office hours, but not guaranteed.
  • In general, course announcements will be made through Ed Discussion.

Getting started with ZyBooks

  1. Go to Canvas
  2. Click on a ZyBooks assignment (eg “Reading 01”)
  3. Follow instructions to begin subscription.
  4. Demo